These Boots is another silly robotics project based off of someone else’s legwork. In its finished form it should be a pair of robots that you can stand in, which propel themselves (and you along with em!) using a number of linkage mechanisms designed to simulate walking.

A walking gait produced by a planar linkage and a motor
Linkages are good fun and can produce some really interesting motion patterns from relatively simple underlying geometry. An interesting, if impractical, application of linkages in mobile robotics is for a walking drive mechanism. Instead of wheels or treads like almost every other robot, a linkage can be used to give a motion path to the robots ‘foot’ that slides it backward along the ground, lifts it up, then brings it forward through the air to return to the starting position. If you felt like justifying such a drive mechanism you might say it allows you to step over obstacles that might impede treads or wheels, but you’d be missing the point which is walking robots look hilarious.